Domain Name related Rules
Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)
- provides Registration services under the below .BR TLDs (extensions):
Domain Theft Protection feature is not supported for .BR Domain Names.
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For Resellers: Lock feature is supported for .BR Domain Names, while Bulk Lock / Unlock, Suspension and Bulk Suspend / Unsuspend features are not supported.
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Move (push) feature is not supported for .BR Domain Names.
Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)
- In order to register a domain name with any .BR extension, the Registrant must fulfill the criteria specified by the Registry.
- Domain names can be registered only by persons of Brazilian nationality, or organizations that are established in Brazil as a legal entity, with their contact location based in Brazilian territory.
- Registrants must prove their eligibility to register domain names by providing their legal identification number issued by the government.
- Individuals must provide their CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Fisica, or tax ID), while organizations must provide their CNPJ (CadastroNacional de Pessoa Juridica, or business ID). This identification is verified with the Federal Revenue Service of Brazil before it can be used to register domain names.
- Foreign organizations can also apply to register .BR domains. For this, the organization must appoint an attorney in the country, and be registered with the .BR Registry. Once the foreign organization is registered with the BR Registry, they will receive an identification number (CNPJ) that must be submitted with the domain registration request.
A .BR Domain Name may be Registered for 1 to 10 years.
A .BR domain name has a 4 day Money Back Grace Period.
The Bulk Registration feature not is available for .BR Domain Names.
Additional Information - does not support .BR Internationalized Domain Name (IDN)s.
Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)
A .BR Domain Name may be Renewed for 1 to 10 years.
Upon Expiry of a .BR Domain Name:
any service such as email, website, etc., configured for this Domain Name would stop functioning, until the Domain Name is Renewed.
if the .BR Domain Name is not Renewed until 100 days, the Domain Name would get Deleted and would slip into Redemption Grace Period.
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Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)
Transferring a .BR domain to is free of cost.
Transfer does not include a 1 year renewal.
.BR domain names do not have a 60-Day Transfer Lock placed on them after they are Transferred.
The Bulk Transfer feature is not available for .BR domain names.
Additional Information
The tax/organization ID being associated with the domain during transfer must either not be currently registered in our database or it should be a transferred authority to the registrar through the .BR registry web interface. In other words, the tax/organization ID associated with a domain should be transferred at the registry (by logging in to the interface provided by the .BR registry) before placing a transfer request in our system.
Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)
- COM.BR registrations require four contact types: Owner, Admin, Technical, and Billing. The contact information associated with these is strictly validated by the Registry.
- It is important to specify accurate addresses, phone numbers and email address, failing which the domain registration request may be canceled.
- In the system, there are two types of contacts used for .BR names — BR Owner Contact (for the Registrant, or domain owner) and a BR contact (for Admin, Tech and Billing contacts)
- A BR Owner contact is a unique entity, and is always associated with a legal identification number (CPF or CNPJ). If a CNPJ/CPF number is being used with another Registrar to register domains, it can not be used to create a new contact with For this, the BR Owner contact must first be transferred over to's Registrar.
The Bulk Modify feature is not supported for .BR domain names.
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.BR domain names do not support's Privacy Protection feature.
Transferring a BR Owner contact to's Registrar(Anchor: contact)
The transfer of a BR Owner contact can only be done at the .BR Registry. Here are the steps you must follow to complete this transfer:
Log in to the .BR Registry panel at
If you do not have an account with the Registry, or don't remember your login details, you can request for them from this page.
Once logged in, click on TITULARIDADE to go to the ownership details view.
In the details view, click on EDITAR INFORMAÇÕES to edit the owner contact.
On this page, scroll down to the PROVEDOR DE SERVIÇOS section, where you can select the new Registrar.
Here, you must select the Registrar Newfold (43) from the drop-down and click on SALVAR, to save your changes.
You will now see a prompt to verify the information and confirm your changes.
Once you confirm, the contact will be transferred immediately. You can now use this BR Owner contact to register .BR domain names with
Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)
An IP Address can be associated with only one Child Name Server, however, the same IP address can be reused for Child Name Servers of another .BR domain. For instance, and must have different IP addresses, but can have the same IP as
Child Name Servers of .BR domains having the same IP address cannot be used together as Name Servers for a .BR domain. For instance, and can have the same IP address, but they cannot be used together as Name Servers for a .BR domain.
The Name Servers associated during registration of a .BR domain name need to be authoritative. Failure to provide an authoritative name server within 15 days of registration will lead to cancellation from the .BR Registry.
An authoritative name server is a DNS server that holds the actual DNS records. i.e. a query made to an authoritative name server will give you the IP address of the domain you are looking for.